Kicking goals in 2015 - good job everyone!

2015 has been a massive year for me and my business.

On top of all of the incredible weddings, renewal of vows, commitment and naming ceremonies that I have been a part of and all of the beautiful people that I have met along the way, I have also achieved some big business and personal goals too.

I was absolutely thrilled to have my first article: 'No Ugly Crying' published in the Huffington Post earlier this month. A little surprised and very grateful to receive the 2015 ABIA Marriage Celebrant Award in October. And then on Thursday I was told that I had been chosen as a finalist in the Flying Solo Business Awards for customer service.

So, what does this all mean? Yeah, I'm not sure exactly.. :D

I guess after 7+ years of working on Ceremonies by Camille, it's awesome to know that I'm doing good stuff, that my work is appreciated and recognised. It also makes me feel very grateful as I work with really passionate and talented wedding vendors every day and I know that not everyone gets the kudos and 'slap on the back' that they sometimes deserve.

So to all of of the photographers, venue managers, florists, DJs, designers, other celebrants and wedding vendors out there working crazy hours for your brides and grooms; good job and a very happy holidays to YOU.

Celebrant Camille Abbott