Hey, I'm Camille..

I've been meaning to make a celebrant video for my website for ages.

You know, something simple and to the point, just to say hi and let people know a little of what I'm about. And I am well aware that if I were 20 years younger, I'd be snapchatting my way through most weekends.

But when I tried to take a handful of short videos for Bridechilla Club last week at Luke Simon's studio (thank you again, Luke), I discovered that it wouldn't be the walk in the park I hoped it would be.

But then, I had a revelation.

I'm always encouraging my brides and grooms to smile through anything that they think goes 'wrong' on their wedding day. Usually no one else even notices when something is not absolutely perfect and the consequence of a worried/upset bride or groom is 100+ worried/upset guests. NO ONE has a good time.

I figured, if I can't laugh at myself a little, then what sort of example am I setting for my couples? 

So, let's celebrate being imperfect and take the pressure off ourselves for just a moment. Whether it's in real life, or in a video where you look like you have ginormous hands (!), perhaps we could stand to be a little gentler with ourselves?

This is the edited, reasonably articulate final product:

And THIS is the REAL me:

Feel free to make me feel better by sharing your experience of making videos for work in the comments below.

Adelaide celebrant Camille Abbott