wedding planning

Thoughtful gift ideas for loved ones

Thoughtful gift ideas for loved ones

I'm all for a minimalistic wedding; just the two of you, your nearest and dearest, some food, drinks and music. There are lots of traditions and new trends, that I seriously think should be given the flick. 

But I do believe that there is still room to thank people (like your Mum and Dad) for their love and support with a little token of your appreciation.

Weddings with a social conscience - why it's cool (& easy) to give back

Weddings with a social conscience - why it's cool (& easy) to give back

I've watched weddings change and evolve markedly over the last few years. Consider, for example, the relatively new (and 1st world problem) of coordinating unplugged weddings (ie. a ban on the social media upload of guests photos). 

One of the trends that I have noticed and think is super cool, is the concept of giving back in the planning stages, the execution (there's got to be a better way to phrase that) and/or clean-up of a wedding. And the best part is that you don't need to be a paid-up member of Greenpeace, chain yourself to a heritage listed building or march in the streets to make a difference.

Here are some of the great new ways you can share the love of your special day with those less fortunate.

South Australian Winery Weddings

South Australian Winery Weddings

Some of the most visually stunning and relaxed wedding ceremonies that I have had the pleasure of officiating have been held in South Australia’s world-class winery venues.

South Australia boasts seven spectacular wine regions and hundreds of wineries, many of which include restaurants and function facilities purpose-built to cater for both intimate elopements and grand-scale, luxury wedding celebrations.

Golden rules for a great winery wedding

Golden rules for a great winery wedding

In my job I hear both the glowing and the snide comments whispered by wedding guests. And although you don’t want your wedding day to be an anxious rollercoaster-ride-of-people-pleasing-pain, if you didn’t care about your family and friends, you would have had your ceremony at the registry office, yes?

There are 3 pesky details, the same annoying issues, that come up for my winery wedding couples time and time again. If you can plan ahead and follow the golden rules, it is much more likely that your guests will remember your wedding for all the right reasons.

No Ugly Crying

No Ugly Crying

We've all seen the photos; black rivers of mascara streaming down the bride's cheeks and grooms gulping for air like a fish out of water. It's not an elegant look. It is also one of the most common concerns that my wedding couples have about their ceremony; "how do I stop myself from crying uncontrollably?"

The good news is that there are steps that you can take to minimise the 'damage' and prevent those embarrassing snotty snorts into the microphone as you're trying to say your vows.

3 smart ways to include family in your ceremony

3 smart ways to include family in your ceremony

Your mum and dad have stuck by you through all your awkward phases. Including your desperate pleas for a horse at 8 (of course I will feed it every day, Dad!), your emo phase at 14 (black was the new black) and your obsession with a really, really dodgy local band at 21 (don't deny it, you know it's true). And if your siblings are anything like mine, they would have mocked and teased you mercilessly through the aforementioned phases. 

But here you are, planning your wedding and you really want to acknowledge and include them in your big day. Sure, your dad can walk you down the aisle, but what are your other options?

DIY vs Delegation - a cautionary tale

DIY vs Delegation - a cautionary tale

Once upon a time there was a savvy, no nonsense bride. Let's call her Jackie* (*bride's name has been changed to protect the overly ambitious). Jackie was planning the wedding to the man of her dreams on a pretty tight budget, but she knew what she wanted and figured; "hey, I'm a pretty smart/creative/resourceful woman. Why should I pay an arm and a leg for some things if I can learn how to do them myself AND get the satisfaction of having worked hands-on on our decor/flowers/signage/invitations/midnight snack boxes/hot chocolate spoons/limoncello cocktail favours etc.?"